
Collaborative Project Expands Prognostic Tools for Hospitalized Older Adults With Dementia

Researchers use patient data to strengthen clinical prediction models

August 2, 2024 / Ophthalmology / Eye Care & Treatment

Newer Drugs Offer More Durable Treatment for nAMD and Other Retinal Vascular Diseases

A primer on sustained release options

July 29, 2024 / Ophthalmology / Eye Care & Treatment

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Less Likely to Progress in Patients Taking Melatonin

Study explores association between sleep aid and eye disease

July 15, 2024 / Neurosciences / Brain Health

Self-Administered Screening Tool for Cognitive Dysfunction Rolled Out in Primary Care Clinics

Cleveland Clinic Cognitive Battery identifies at-risk patients during Medicare annual visits

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Treating older patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

January 18, 2024 / Cancer / Blood Cancers

Trial for Patients 75 and Older with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Helps Address Care Inequities

Multiple Cleveland Clinic sites to participate in National Cancer Institute trial comparing treatment regimens for newly diagnosed patients


December 11, 2023 / Geriatrics

Baby Doll Therapy Shows Promise for Managing Agitation in Patients with Dementia

Pilot study confirms feasibility of conducting additional research on the novel treatment

Elderly woman with a disability and a walker exercising

October 13, 2023 / Geriatrics

‘No Place Like Home’ for Older Adults to Recover From Hip Replacement

Longer hospitalization does not mean a safer, faster recovery for patients age 70+


October 11, 2023 / Geriatrics / Research

Electronic Medical Records May Be Key to Diagnosing Delirium in Geriatric Emergency Patients

Structured data helps identify older adults at risk for poor outcomes, defines patients who require more comprehensive assessments

Laura Shoemaker DO

September 14, 2023 / Bioethics / Best Practices

Honoring Values for Patients With Serious Illness

Palliative care specialists know hard conversations can also be valuable ones

Dylan Wint, MD

August 22, 2023 / Behavioral Health

The Difficult, Essential Talk About Dementia

Patients benefit when doctors disclose with care