Clyde H. Fitch

In 2014 , Clyde H. Fitch earned a total compensation of $ 1.2M as Senior Vice President and Chief Sales Officer at State Auto Financial, a 34 % increase compared to previous year.

Compensation breakdown

Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings $216,490
Non-Equity Incentive Plan $473,942
Option Awards $59,959
Salary $357,692
Stock Awards $37,853
Other $20,746
Total $1,166,682

Fitch received $ 473.9K in non-equity incentive plan , accounting for 41 % of the total pay in 2014 .

Fitch also received $216.5K of change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings, $60K in option awards, $357.7K in salary, $37.9K in stock awards and $20.7K in other compensation.


In 2014 , Clyde H. Fitch's compensation ranked 6,907th out of 13,032 executives tracked by ExecPay. In other words, Fitch earned more than 47.0 % of executives.