An official from the Department of Education stated that due to COVID-19, the distribution of the test was canceled in Spring 2020. Using 2019 test scores as a baseline for pre-pandemic student performance, 2023 scores show little to no rebound. (Photo KATV)
LITTLE ROCK (KATV) — A news release from the Arkansas Department of Education official states that statewide preliminary ACT Aspire results for Grades 3-10 show little to modest increases from 2022, with many grades and subject areas reflecting decreases.
An official from the Department of Education stated that due to COVID-19, the distribution of the test was canceled in Spring 2020. Using 2019 test scores as a baseline for pre-pandemic student performance, 2023 scores show little to no rebound.
According to the official, Grade 3 reading scores showed the most alarming drop, declining from 35 percent of students reading at or above ready in 2022 to 32.2 percent in 2023.
Most increases were seen in grades 4 through 10; only grade 8 reflects half of the student's grade-level expectations.
“These scores demonstrate the profound need for the transformative change offered by the Arkansas LEARNS Act,” ADE Secretary Jacob Oliva said. “These results are a wake-up call, and we must stop the red-light, green-light tug of war with implementation and act with urgency. It’s time we move forward and focus on evidence-based approaches outlined in LEARNS that will result in increased student learning. Our students deserve nothing less.”
The release included additional highlights of the 2023 assessment.
The release states that spring 2023 was the eighth and final administration of the ACT Aspire assessment for Grades 3-10, as ACT is no longer offering the ACT Aspire test. Final ACT Aspire scores will be available in the fall of 2023.
The ADE official states that they are developing an Arkansas-specific test, the Arkansas Teaching and Learning Assessment System, or ATLAS, which will be administered in the spring of 2024. ATLAS will align with Arkansas’ newly-adopted math and English Language Arts academic standards.