4.7 Suture Removal

Critical Thinking Exercises: Questions, Answers, and Sources / References

Critical thinking questions are in bold type, and the answers are italicized. Additional resources or references are provided below.

  1. Jasbir is going home with a lower abdominal surgical incision following a c-section. What patient teaching is important in relation to the wound?

Healthwise Staff. (2017, May 16). Incision care after surgery. HealthLinkBC. https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-topics/tc4128spec

  1. Acki is discharged from the clinic following removal of sutures in his knee due to a mountain biking accident. What patient teaching is important in relation to the wound?

Healthwise Staff. (2017, May 16). Incision care after surgery. HealthLinkBC. https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-topics/tc4128spec

Perry, A., Potter, P., Ostendorf, W. (2017). Clinical Skills and Techniques (9th ed.) Elsevier; Mosby.

  1. What situations warrant staple or suture removal to be a sterile procedure?

If the staples are within a wound that is being treated with strict asepsis; for example, an open wound requiring irrigation.

  1. What situations warrant staple or suture removal to be a clean procedure?

Wounds that have been exposed to the environment. Remember, staples are generally removed 7-10 days after insertion. Many wounds will not have a dressing after day 3. If the wound is exposed to the environment, they are contaminated with the bacteria that surrounds them.

  1. What is the purpose of applying Steri-Strips to the incision after removing sutures?

It provides additional support while the incision is healing.

  1. Which healthcare provider is responsible for assessing the wound prior to removing sutures?

The person who removes the sutures. If the nurse has doubts about wound healing and believes sutures should not be removed, they must consult the prescriber.

  1. What factors increase risk of delayed wound healing?

Perry, A., Potter, P., Ostendorf, W. (2017). Clinical Skills and Techniques (9th ed.) Elsevier; Mosby.

  1. What patient teaching points should be included as ways to support wound healing?