If you have been contacted to participate in the HCAHPS Survey and would like to verify your selection in this study, please contact the approved survey vendor identified in your survey invitation letter, or email HOSPITALCAHPS@cms.hhs.gov .
Overview: The HCAHPS Survey is a national, standardized, publicly-reported survey of patients' perspectives of hospital care. The 29-item instrument and data collection methodology allows valid comparisons to be made across hospitals. The survey was nationally implemented in 2006 and public reporting of hospital scores began in 2008. Since 2012, HCAHPS scores have also played a role in hospital payment through the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) program.
About the survey: The HCAHPS Survey captures the patient’s experience of communication with doctors and nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, communication about medicines, cleanliness and quietness of the hospital, discharge information, transition to post-hospital care, and overall rating of the hospital. The survey is administered between 2 and 42 days after discharge to a random sample of adult patients. There are four approved modes of administration: Mail, Telephone, Mixed (mail with telephone follow-up), and Interactive Voice Response. The survey is available in official Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, German, Tagalog, and Arabic translations. Over 4,400 hospitals participate in HCAHPS and nearly two million patients complete the survey each year.