Employee Suspension Letter Template
An Employee Suspension Letter is a document that can be used to notify an employee that they are suspended for a certain period of time and are restricted from all working areas and premises. The document can be used after the employee has committed misconduct or has violated the company policies at work. The employer should start with investigating the incident and collecting evidence, then they can hold a disciplinary meeting in which they will warn the employee about the possible suspension.
If after considering everything the decision to suspend them has been made, they can inform the employee about their suspension. An Employee Suspension Letter template can be found through the link below.
The letter should contain information which can include the following:
- Reason(s) for the Suspension . The document should provide a detailed description of the incident, stating the time and particular place where the incident has taken place. It can also include a reference to certain company policies that have been violated. If there are any specific state workplace policies that the employee has violated then it should be included in the reasoning.
- Suspension Period . The employer can include the dates when the suspension begins, the date when the suspension is over, and the date when the employee is expected to come back to work. They can also include which work-related services the employee is not allowed to use, and which workplaces they are not allowed to visit during their suspension.
- With/Without Pay . If you're writing an Employee Suspension Without Pay Letter, this should be clearly stated in the title and in the text of the document. If the employer decided to suspend the employee but keep their salary it should be indicated as well.
- Acknowledgment . The letter must contain a part that will indicate that the employee fully understands its content and is provided with its copy.
Haven't found the letter you're looking for? Take a look at the related templates below:
- Job Abandonment Letter;
- Return to Work with Restrictions Letter;
- New Employee Introduction Letter.
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Linked Topics
Employee Letter Template Company Policy Disciplinary Action Form Employee Rights Letters

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