Aruba command line reference guide
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- Home
- About this document
- Applicable products
- Latest version available online
- About the examples
- Switch prompts in examples
- CLI access
- Getting CLI help
- Command completion
- Command history
- Pipe (|) support in show commands
- Authority levels
- Command contexts
- Operator context (>)
- Navigating to the operator context (>)
- Navigating to the manager context (#)
- Navigating to the config context
- alias
- auto-confirm
- configure terminal
- disable
- do
- enable
- end
- exit
- list
- page
- Pipe (|) command
- session-timeout
- repeat
- show alias
- show history
- show session-timeout
- clear ip errors
- domain-name
- hostname
- led locator
- show capacities
- show capacities-status
- show core-dump
- show domain-name
- show environment fan
- show environment led
- show environment power-supply
- show environment temperature
- show events
- show hostname
- show images
- show ip errors
- show running-config
- show startup-config
- show system
- show system resource-utilization
- show tech
- show usb
- show version
- system resource-utilization poll-interval
- top cpu
- top memory
- usb
- usb (mount or unmount)
- access-list copy
- access-list resequence
- access-list ip
- access-list ipv6
- access-list log-timer
- access-list mac
- access-list reset
- apply access-list
- clear access-list hitcounts
- show access-list
- show access-list hitcounts
- arp cache-limit
- clear arp
- ip local-proxy-arp
- ip proxy-arp
- show arp
- show arp state
- show arp summary
- show arp timeout
- show arp vrf
- show ipv6 neighbors
- show ipv6 neighbors state
- bfd
- bfd
- bfd all-interfaces
- bfd detect-multiplier
- bfd disable
- bfd echo disable
- bfd min-echo-receive-interval
- bfd min-transmit-interval
- clear bfd statistics
- ip ospf bfd
- ip ospf bfd disable
- ip route bfd
- neighbor fall-over bfd
- show bfd
- aggregate-address
- bgp always-compare-med
- bgp asnotation dotted
- bgp asnotation dotted-plus
- bgp bestpath as-path ignore
- bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
- bgp bestpath compare-routerid
- bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst
- bgp cluster id
- bgp default local-preference
- bgp deterministic-med
- bgp fast-external-fallover
- bgp graceful-restart restart-time
- bgp graceful-restart stalepath-time
- bgp log-neighbor-changes
- bgp maxas-limit
- bgp router-id
- clear ip bgp
- disable|enable
- distance bgp
- maximum-paths
- neighbor advertisement-interval
- neighbor allowas-in
- neighbor default-originate
- neighbor ebgp-multihop
- neighbor fall-over
- neighbor fall-over bfd
- neighbor local-as
- neighbor maximum-prefix
- neighbor next-hop-self
- neighbor passive
- neighbor password
- neighbor port
- neighbor remote-as
- neighbor remove-private-AS
- neighbor route-map
- neighbor send-community standard
- neighbor shutdown
- neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
- neighbor timers
- neighbor ttl-security-hops
- neighbor update-source
- neighbor weight
- network
- redistribute
- router bgp
- show ip bgp
- show ip bgp
- show ip bgp community
- show ip bgp neighbors
- show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
- show ip bgp neighbors paths
- show ip bgp neighbors received-routes
- show ip bgp neighbors routes
- show ip bgp neighbors
- show ip bgp paths
- show ip bgp peer-group summary
- show ip bgp summary
- show running-config bgp
- timers bgp
- boot set-default
- boot system
- checkpoint auto
- checkpoint auto confirm
- checkpoint diff
- checkpoint post-configuration
- checkpoint post-configuration timeout
- checkpoint rename
- checkpoint rollback
- copy checkpoint
- copy checkpoint
- copy checkpoint
- copy checkpoint
- copy
- copy running-config >
- copy
- copy
- copy startup-config running-config
- copy running-config
- erase | startup-config | all>
- show checkpoint
- show checkpoint post-configuration
- show checkpoint list
- write memory
- apply policy
- class copy
- class resequence
- class ip
- class ipv6
- class mac
- class reset
- clear policy hitcounts
- policy
- policy copy
- policy resequence
- policy reset
- show class
- show policy
- clock date
- clock datetime
- clock time
- clock timezone
- show clock
- Classes of traffic
- apply copp-policy
- class
- copp-policy
- default-class
- reset copp-policy
- show copp-policy
- show copp-policy factory-default
- show copp-policy statistics
- show tech copp
- debug
- debug destination
- show debug
- show debug buffer
- show debug destination
- dhcp-relay
- dhcp-relay hop-count-increment
- dhcp-relay option 82
- ip bootp-gateway
- ip helper-address
- show dhcp-relay
- show dhcp-relay bootp-gateway
- show ip helper-address
- dhcpv6-relay
- dhcpv6-relay option 79
- ipv6 helper-address
- show dhcpv6-relay
- show ipv6 helper-address
- ip dns domain-list
- ip dns domain-name
- ip dns host
- ip dns server address
- show ip dns
- copy
- copy
- copy primary secondary
- copy
- copy secondary primary
- copy
- URL formatting for copy commands
- destination ip
- interface tunnel
- ip address
- source ip
- show interface tunnel
- show running-config interface tunnel
- ttl
- vrf attach
- platform forwarding-table-mode
- https-server rest access-mode
- https-server session close all
- https-server vrf
- show https-server
- ip icmp redirect
- ip icmp unreachable
- ip igmp
- ip igmp last-member-query-interval
- ip igmp querier
- ip igmp querier interval
- ip igmp querier query-max-response-time
- ip igmp robustness
- ip igmp static-group
- ip igmp version
- ip igmp version strict
- no ip igmp
- show ip igmp
- show ip igmp counters
- show ip igmp group
- show ip igmp groups
- show ip igmp interface
- show ip igmp interface counters
- show ip igmp interface group
- show ip igmp interface groups
- show ip igmp interface statistics
- show ip igmp static-groups
- show ip igmp statistics
- clear update-log
- show needed-updates
- ipv6 nd cache-limit
- ipv6 nd dad attempts
- ipv6 nd hop-limit
- ipv6 nd mtu
- ipv6 nd ns-interval
- ipv6 nd prefix
- ipv6 nd ra dns search-list
- ipv6 nd ra dns server
- ipv6 nd ra lifetime
- ipv6 nd ra managed-config-flag
- ipv6 nd ra max-interval
- ipv6 nd ra min-interval
- ipv6 nd ra other-config-flag
- ipv6 nd ra reachable-time
- ipv6 nd ra retrans-timer
- ipv6 nd router-preference
- ipv6 nd suppress-ra
- show ipv6 nd global traffic
- show ipv6 nd interface
- show ipv6 nd interface prefix
- show ipv6 nd ra dns search-list
- show ipv6 nd ra dns server
- diag-dump irdp basic
- ip irdp
- ip irdp holdtime
- ip irdp maxadvertinterval
- ip irdp minadvertinterval
- ip irdp preference
- show ip irdp
- address-family
- ip|ipv6 vrf
- IPv6 route source interface
- ip route interface
- rd
- redistribute
- route-target
- router bgp
- router bgp vrf
- show bgp vpn unicast
- show bgp info vrf
- show ip route vrf
- show ipv6 route vrf
- vrf
- description
- hash
- interface lag
- lacp mode
- lacp port-id
- lacp port-priority
- lacp rate
- lacp system-priority
- lag
- show lacp aggregates
- show lacp configuration
- show lacp interfaces
- shutdown
- description
- interface
- ip address
- ip mtu
- ip source-interface
- ipv6 address
- ipv6 source-interface
- l3-counters
- mtu
- routing
- show interface
- show interface dom
- show interface transceiver
- show ip interface
- show ip source-interface
- show ipv6 interface
- show ipv6 source-interface
- shutdown
- clear lldp neighbors
- clear lldp statistics
- debug lldp
- diag-dump lldp
- lldp
- lldp holdtime
- lldp management-ipv4-address
- lldp management-ipv6-address
- lldp receive
- lldp reinit
- lldp select-tlv
- lldp timer
- lldp transmit
- lldp txdelay
- show debug buffer
- show lldp configuration
- show lldp tlv
- show lldp statistics
- show lldp neighbor-info
- show lldp local-device
- aaa authentication limit-login-attempts
- aaa authentication minimum-password-length
- ssh password-authentication
- ssh public-key-authentication
- logrotate maxsize
- logrotate period
- logrotate target
- show logrotate
- loop-protect
- loop-protect action
- loop-protect re-enable-timer
- loop-protect transmit-interval
- loop-protect vlan
- show loop-protect
- interface loopback
- ip address
- ipv6 address
- vrf attach
- show interface loopback
- clear mac-address
- mac-address-table age-time
- show mac-address-table
- show mac-address-table address
- show mac-address-table dynamic
- show mac-address-table port
- show mac-address-table vlan
- show mac-address-table count
- default-gateway
- ip static
- nameserver
- show interface mgmt
- comment
- destination interface
- disable
- enable
- mirror session
- show mirror
- source interface
- show spanning-tree
- show spanning-tree detail
- show spanning-tree mst
- show spanning-tree mst-config
- show spanning-tree mst detail
- show spanning-tree mst
- show spanning-tree mst detail
- show spanning-tree mst interface
- spanning-tree
- spanning-tree bdpu-filter
- spanning-tree bpdu-guard
- spanning-tree config-name
- spanning-tree config-revision
- spanning-tree cost
- spanning-tree forward-delay
- spanning-tree hello-time
- spanning-tree instance cost
- spanning-tree instance port-priority
- spanning-tree instance priority
- spanning-tree instance vlan
- spanning-tree link-type
- spanning-tree loop-guard
- spanning-tree max-age
- spanning-tree max-hops
- spanning-tree mode
- spanning-tree port-priority
- spanning-tree port-type
- spanning-tree priority
- spanning-tree root-guard
- spanning-tree tcn-guard
- spanning-tree transmit-hold-count
- spanning-tree trap
- clear mvrp statistics
- mvrp
- mvrp registration
- mvrp timer
- show mvrp config
- show mvrp state
- show mvrp statistics
- clear nae-data
- show nae-agent
- show nae-script
- ntp server
- ntp vrf
- ntp authentication
- ntp authentication-key
- ntp trusted-key
- show ntp servers
- show ntp associations
- show ntp authentication-keys
- show ntp status
- show ntp statistics
- area
- area default-metric
- area nssa
- area range
- area stub
- area virtual-link
- authentication
- authentication-key
- clear ip ospf statistics
- dead-interval
- default-metric
- disable
- distance
- enable
- graceful-restart
- hello-interval
- ip ospf area
- ip ospf authentication
- ip ospf authentication-key
- ip ospf cost
- ip ospf dead-interval
- ip ospf hello-interval
- ip ospf message-digest-key md5
- ip ospf network
- ip ospf passive
- ip ospf priority
- ip ospf retransmit-interval
- ip ospf shutdown
- ip ospf transit-delay
- max-metric router-lsa
- maximum-paths
- message-digest-key md5
- passive-interface default
- redistribute
- reference-bandwidth
- retransmit-interval
- rfc1583-compatibility
- router ospf
- router-id
- show ip ospf
- show ip ospf border-routers
- show ip ospf interface
- show ip ospf lsdb
- show ip ospf neighbors
- show ip ospf routes
- show ip ospf statistics
- show ip ospf statistics interface
- show ip ospf virtual-links
- transit-delay
- trap-enable
- area
- area authentication ipsec
- area default-metric
- area nssa
- area range
- area stub
- area virtual-link
- clear ipv6 ospfv3 statistics
- dead-interval
- default-metric
- disable
- distance
- enable
- graceful-restart
- hello-interval
- ipv6 ospfv3 area
- ipv6 ospfv3 authentication null
- ipv6 ospfv3 authentication ipsec
- ipv6 ospfv3 cost
- ipv6 ospfv3 dead-interval
- ipv6 ospfv3 hello-interval
- ipv6 ospfv3 network
- ipv6 ospfv3 passive
- ipv6 ospfv3 priority
- ipv6 ospfv3 retransmit-interval
- ipv6 ospfv3 shutdown
- ipv6 ospfv3 transit-delay
- maximum-paths
- max-metric router-lsa
- passive-interface default
- redistribute
- reference-bandwidth
- retransmit-interval
- router ospfv3
- router-id
- show ipv6 ospfv3
- show ipv6 ospfv3 border-routers
- show ipv6 ospfv3 interface
- show ipv6 ospfv3 neighbors
- show ipv6 ospfv3 routes
- show ipv6 ospfv3 statistics
- show ipv6 ospfv3 statistics interface
- show ipv6 ospfv3 virtual-links
- transit-delay
- trap-enable
- bsr-candidate bsm-interval
- bsr-candidate hash-mask-length
- bsr-candidate priority
- bsr-candidate source-ip-interface
- disable
- enable
- ip pim-sparse
- ip pim-sparse dr-priority
- ip pim-sparse hello-delay
- ip pim-sparse hello-interval
- ip pim-sparse ip-addr
- ip pim-sparse lan-prune-delay
- ip pim-sparse override-interval
- ip pim-sparse propagation-delay
- join-prune-interval
- no ip pim-sparse
- router pim
- rp-address
- rp-candidate group-prefix
- rp-candidate hold-time
- rp-candidate priority
- rp-candidate source-ip-interface
- rpf-override
- show ip mroute
- show ip mroute brief
- show ip mroute
- show ip pim
- show ip pim bsr
- show ip pim bsr elected
- show ip pim bsr local
- show ip pim interface
- show ip pim interface
- show ip pim interface counters
- show ip pim neighbor
- show ip pim pending
- show ip pim rp-candidate
- show ip pim rp-set
- show ip pim rp-set learned
- show ip pim rp-set static
- show ip pim rpf-override
- show ip pim rpf-override source
- spt-threshold
- apply qos
- dwrr queue
- map queue
- name queue
- qos cos-map
- qos dscp-map
- qos queue-profile
- qos schedule-profile
- qos trust
- rate-limit
- show interface
- show qos cos-map
- show qos dscp-map
- show qos queue-profile
- show qos schedule-profile
- show qos trust
- strict queue
- aaa accounting all default start-stop
- aaa authentication allow-fail-through
- aaa authentication login default
- aaa authorization commands default
- aaa group server
- radius-server auth-type
- radius-server host
- radius-server key
- radius-server retries
- radius-server timeout
- server
- show aaa accounting
- show aaa authentication
- show aaa authorization
- show aaa server-groups
- show acounting log
- show radius-server
- show tacacs-server
- show tech aaa
- tacacs-server auth-type
- tacacs-server host
- tacacs-server key
- tacacs-server timeout
- General or filtering commands
- description text
- ip aspath-list
- ip community-list
- ip prefix-list
- route-map
- match aspath-list
- match community-list
- match interface
- match ip address prefix-list
- match ip next-hop
- match ip route-source
- match local-preference
- match metric
- match origin
- match route-type
- match source-protocol
- set as-path exclude
- set as-path prepend
- set community
- set ip nexthop
- set local-preference
- set metric
- set origin
- set weight
- show spanning-tree
- show spanning-tree summary port
- show spanning-tree summary root
- show spanning-tree vlan
- spanning-tree extend-system-id
- spanning-tree ignore-pvid-inconsistency
- spanning-tree link-type
- spanning-tree mode rpvst
- spanning-tree pathcost-type
- spanning-tree tcn-guard
- spanning-tree vlan
- spanning-tree vlan cost
- spanning-tree vlan port-priority
- diagnostic monitor
- diag on-demand
- show diagnostic
- boot
- cat
- cd path
- config-clear
- cp
- du
- erase zeroize
- exit
- format
- identify
- ip
- ls
- md5sum
- mkdir
- mount
- mv
- password
- ping
- pwd
- reboot
- rm
- rmdir
- secure-mode
- sh
- umount
- update
- tftp
- version
- sflow
- sflow agent-ip
- sflow collector
- sflow disable
- sflow header-size
- sflow max-datagram-size
- sflow polling
- sflow sampling
- show sflow
- show snmp agent-port
- show snmp community
- show snmp system
- show snmp trap
- show snmp vrf
- show snmpv3 context
- show snmpv3 users
- snmp-server agent-port
- snmp-server community
- snmp-server host
- snmp-server system-contact
- snmp-server system-description
- snmp-server system-location
- snmp-server vrf
- snmpv3 context
- snmpv3 user
- snmpv3 user context
- show ssh host-key
- show ssh server
- show ssh server sessions
- ssh certified-algorithms-only
- ssh host-key
- ssh known-host remove
- ssh server vrf
- ip route bfd
- ip route distance
- ip route vrf
- ipv6 route
- ipv6 route distance
- ipv6 route vrf
- copy command-output
- copy core-dump daemon
- copy core-dump kernel
- copy core-dump kernel
- copy diag-dump feature
- copy diag-dump local-file
- copy show-tech feature
- copy show-tech local-file
- copy support-files
- copy support-log
- clear udld statistics
- show udld
- udld
- udld interval
- udld mode
- udld retries
- ip udp-bcast-forward
- ip forward-protocol udp
- show ip forward-protocol udp
- user
- user password
- service export-password
- show user-list
- show user information
- description
- name
- show vlan
- show vlan port
- show vlan summary
- shutdown
- vlan
- vlan access
- vlan trunk allowed
- vlan trunk native
- vlan trunk native tag
- ip route vrf
- ipv6 route vrf
- show ip route
- show ipv6 route
- show vrf
- vrf
- vrf attach
- address
- bfd
- preempt
- preempt delay minimum
- priority
- router vrrp enable
- router vrrp disable
- no router vrrp
- show track
- show track brief
- show vrrp
- shutdown
- timers advertise
- track (VRRP group)
- track (VRRP virtual router)
- track by
- version
- vrrp
- active-gateway
- config-sync disable
- interface lag multi-chassis
- inter-switch-link | lag >
- inter-switch-link dead-interval
- inter-switch-link hello-interval
- inter-switch-link hold-time
- keepalive dead-interval
- keepalive hello-interval
- keepalive peer
- keepalive udp-port
- linkup-delay-timer
- linkup-delay-timer exclude lag-list
- role
- show interface
- show lacp aggregates
- show lacp interfaces multi-chassis
- show vsx active-forwarding
- show vsx brief
- show vsx config-consistency
- show vsx config-consistency lacp
- show vsx configuration
- show vsx ip data-path
- show vsx ipv6 data-path
- show vsx ip route
- show vsx ipv6 route
- show vsx status
- show vsx status config-sync
- vsx
- vsx active-forwarding
- vsx-sync
- vsx-sync active-gateways
- vsx-sync
- Accessing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support
- Accessing updates
- Customer self repair
- Remote support
- Warranty information
- Regulatory information
- Documentation feedback