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Tippi Toes Rockwall Wylie Our MOBILE dance classes are designed for children from 18 months to 12 years old.
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* Job Posting Options
* Access to our Dance Teacher Database
* Database of over 1,000 Dance Teachers
* Unlimited Contacts Per Day With Dance Teachers
* Save time – Our 1 stop shop dance teacher job board/dance teacher database saves you time, rather than having to rely on multiple websites for these services
* Save trouble – Find teachers on your own time by using our database & search functions. Contact teachers in your area or teachers willing to relocate rather than wait for people to answer your ad. You can even sort by dance style when looking for teachers!
* Save Money – For a limited time only, our sale makes posting jobs more affordable than other dance sites or job boards.
* A free listing in our dance teacher database, viewed by dance studios worldwide
* Ability to post your headshot, resume, choreography links and more to help you get noticed
* An active job board where you can apply to open dance teaching positions
* Save time – You can post your profile and then dance studios can contact you rather than the other way around!
* Save trouble – You can just come here to look for job listings since we only list dance teaching jobs rather than you having to check multiple job websites
* Save Money – Dance Teacher Finder is completely free for dance teachers!